Home Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity


What is Academic Integrity?

  • Plagiarism

    Reproducing or paraphrasing work without acknowledging (referencing) the author.

  • Falsification

    Falsification is any attempt to present imaginary (made up) or distorted data or other material and knowingly to use such material.

  • Cheating

    Cheating is any action before, during or after an examination in which a candidate tries to gain an unfair advantage or helps others to do so.

Examples of Plagiarism

  • Including in one’s own work extracts from another person’s work without the use of quotation marks and without referencing the source.
  • The use of the ideas of another person without referencing the source.
  • Paraphrasing or summarising another person’s work without referencing the source.
  • Submitting a piece of work entirely as their own when it was produced with the help of others.
  • Submitting imagery (graphs, charts, diagrams, drawings, other visuals) without indicating the source of the work (references).

How to avoid Plagiarism

  • Paraphrase by rewriting the sections you intend to use from your sources in your own words and referencing the source.
  • Reference correctly (authors family name, date, page number (if a quote) ).
  • Format your reference list accurately and use consistent style.
  • Reference all ideas as well as direct text.
  • Always plan before you start writing.
  • Read then write! Do not read and write!
  • Make careful notes detailing where you got your ideas (in case you forget).
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