Home Automated Software Verification

Automated Software Verification

This module aims is to give an understanding of Automated Software Verification:

  • key principles and techniques
  • use of a range of verification tools
  • both formal verification and testing covered


What is Automated Verification?

  • Verification amounts to checking that a (software) system behaves as intended. In this case the system is said to be correct.
  • Wide range of automated verification techniques:
    • model checking
    • deductive verification
    • symbolic execution
    • automated testing
  • Some of these provide guarantees on correctness (i.e. that the system always behaves as intended)

Model checking

  • Explicit state model checking
    • modelling software systems;
    • the temporal logic LTL;
    • model checking LTL
  • Symbolic model checking
  • Bounded model checking

Deductive program verification

  • Hoare logic
  • loop termination
  • Frama-C: use WP plugin for verification


  • types of testing
  • automated software testing
    • regression testing, fuzz testing
    • symbolic and concolic testing

Validation versus Verification

  • validation:
    • check that the program we are building fulfills its intended purpose (meets the user needs)
    • Ensure that the specification of the software system satisfy the requirements of the stakeholders (customers, users, administrators, …)
      • Are we building the right product?
      • the specification is correct (validation)
  • verification:
    • check that the program meets its requirements and design specifications
    • Ensure that the finished product satisfies the specification.
      • Are we building the product right?
      • the program meets its specification (verification)

Software Verification Approaches

  • peer review
    • manual code inspection, no software execution
    • subtle errors (algorithm design, concurrency) difficult to detect
  • testing
    • software is executed to catch errors
    • amounts to 30-50% of development costs
    • effective in the early stages but time-consuming in later stages
    • difficult for concurrent or distributed systems
    • only some executions are explored
  • simulation
    • performed on an abstraction, or model, of the actual program
    • only some behaviours are explored

  • formal verification approaches offer correctness guarantees
    • deductive verification:
      • checking correctness properties of either programs or their models
      • theorem provers used to prove correctness (e.g. invariant properties)
      • not fully automatic, but several good tools exist, e.g. KeY, Frama-C
      • works on infinite state systems
    • model checking:
      • checking properties of either models or code
      • performs exhaustive exploration of all possible behaviours
      • works only on systems with finite state spaces
      • fully automatic
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