What is Refinement?
- Refinement means
- step-wise introduction of details of a model
- It is easier to reason about a less-detailed abstraction than about the full model
- Refinement is a process of enriching or modifying a model in order to
- augment the functionality being modelled, or
- explain how some purpose is achieved
- In a refinement step we refine one model M1 to another model M2
- M2 is a refinement of M1
M1 is an abstraction of M2
- We can perform a series of refinement steps to produce a series of models M1, M2, M3
- Facilitates abstraction: we can postpone treatment of some system features to later refinement steps
- Begin with a very abstract view of the model
- focus on the purpose
- and most important properties first
- Introduce more details and properties when convenient
- Until the implementation is reached
- implementation-related properties are often difficult to model
- introducing them gradually simplifies this task
Extension Example: add ownership to secure database
Original Example
- We consider a secure database. Each object in the database has a data component.
- Each object has a classification between 1 and 10.
- Users of the system have a clearance level between 1 and 10.
- Users can only read and write objects whose classification is no greater than the user’s clearance level.
Adding Object Ownership in the Original Example
- Extend the database specification so that each object has an owner.
- The clearance associated with that owner must be at least as high as the classification of the object.
- Only the owner of an object is allowed to delete it.
- Note we must list all the variables: those from M1 that we wish to retain as well as new ones
- Here owner is a new variable
- We do not repeat invariants of M1 in M2
We have two ways of add Refinement in Event (the two ways are equivalent):