Home Algorithmic Thinking: Greedy

Algorithmic Thinking: Greedy


What is a Greedy Algorithm?

A greedy algorithm is an approach to solving problems by making the locally optimal choice at each step with the hope of finding a global optimum. This method does not always guarantee the best solution for every problem, but it is simple and effective for some problems.

More precisely, the greedy algorithm is not a specific algorithm, but an algorithmic thinking (or algorithmic idea) that can be used to guide us in designing specific algorithms and coding.

Besides this, other similar algorithmic thinking includes: divide and conquer, backtracking, dynamic programming.

Key Principles

  1. Local Optimality: At each step, the algorithm makes a choice that looks best at the moment.
  2. Irrevocable Decisions: Once a choice is made, it cannot be undone.
  3. Greedy Choice Property: A global optimal solution can be (but not always) arrived at by selecting the local optimal choices.
  4. Optimal Substructure: An optimal solution to the problem contains optimal solutions to the subproblems.

Don’t try to memorise the principles of the greedy algorithm, it doesn’t make much sense. Practice is the most effective way to learn.

The hardest part of the greedy algorithm is how to abstract the problem into a greedy algorithmic model (i.e., decompose the large optimal solution into smaller optimal solutions). Once this step is done, the coding of greedy algorithms is generally straightforward.

The correctness of the greedy algorithm seems obvious in most cases, but it is not easy to prove rigorously that the algorithm leads to an optimal solution.

Applications of Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms are used in various fields and problems, including:

  • Huffman Coding: For data compression.
  • Kruskal’s and Prim’s Algorithms: For finding the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) in a graph.
  • Fractional Knapsack Problem: For maximizing profit with a given weight capacity.

Advantages of Greedy Algorithms

  • Simplicity: Greedy algorithms are typically easy to understand and implement.
  • Efficiency: They are often more efficient in terms of time complexity compared to other approaches like dynamic programming.
  • Optimal Solutions: For many problems, greedy algorithms provide optimal solutions.

Disadvantages of Greedy Algorithms

  • Non-Optimal Solutions: Greedy algorithms do not always yield the optimal solution for all problems.
  • Irrevocable Decisions: Once a decision is made, it cannot be changed, which might lead to suboptimal solutions.

Greedy Algorithms Cannot Always Give Optimal Solutions

For example:

In a weighted graph, we start at vertex S and find the shortest path to vertex T.

According to the solution of the greedy algorithm, an edge with the lowest weight connected to the current vertex is chosen each time until the vertex T is found. Following this idea, the shortest path we find is S->A->E->T, and the length of the path is 1+4+4=9.

However, this is not the shortest path. S->B->D->T is the shortest path because the length of this path is 2+2+2=6.

Why doesn’t the greedy algorithm work on this type of problem?

  • The main reason is that the previous choice affects the following choices.
    • If we go from S to A in the first step, then the vertices and edges we face in the next step are completely different from going from S to B.

The greedy algorithm is suitable for those problems where the choices of subproblems do not affect each other.

Example: Fractional Knapsack Problem

The fractional knapsack problem involves maximizing the total value of items placed in a knapsack with a fixed capacity, where items can be divided to fill the knapsack.


  1. Calculate Value-to-Weight Ratio: Calculate the ratio of value to weight for each item.
  2. Sort: Sort the items based on this ratio in descending order.
  3. Select: Add items to the knapsack in this order, taking fractions of items if necessary to maximize the total value.

Implementation in Java

public static double getMaxValue(int capacity, Item[] items) {
    Arrays.sort(items, Comparator.comparingDouble(i -> (double) i.value / i.weight).reversed());
    double totalValue = 0.0;

    for (Item item : items) {
        if (capacity == 0) break;

        if (item.weight <= capacity) {
            capacity -= item.weight;
            totalValue += item.value;
        } else {
            totalValue += item.value * ((double) capacity / item.weight);
            capacity = 0;
    return totalValue;
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