Home Introduction to Event-B

Introduction to Event-B


What is Event-B?

  • System specifications are derived from requirements.
  • System specification is an important precursor to design, implementation and testing.
  • Event-B is a formal language for writing high-level specifications of computer systems.
  • Event-B language includes logic and set theory.
  • Formal specification is more precise and consistent than an informal (natural language) specification.
  • Event-B typically used in safety-critical applications.

Basic Set Theory

Set and Elements

  • A set is a collection of elements.
  • Elements of a set are not ordered.
  • Elements of a set may be numbers, names, identifiers, etc.
  • Sets may be finite or infinite.
  • Relationship between an element and a set: the element is a member of the set.

For element x and set S, we express the membership relation as follows: x ∈ S

Enumeration and Cardinality of Finite Sets

  • Finite sets can be expressed by enumerating the elements within braces.
    • for example: { 3, 5, 8 }, { a, b, c, d }
  • The cardinality of a finite set is the number of elements in that set:
    • For example: card( { 3, 5, 8 } ) = 3, card( { a, b, c, d } ) = 4, card( {} ) = 0

Subset and Equality Relations for Sets

  • A set S is said to be subset of set T when every element of S is also an element of T. This is written as follows: S ⊆ T
    • { 5, 8 } ⊆ { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }
  • A set S is said to be equal to set T when S ⊆ T and T ⊆ S(no matter if they have the same number of elements): S = T
    • { 5, 8, 3 } = { 3, 5, 5, 8 }

Operations on sets

  • Union of S and T: set of elements in either S or T. S ∪ T
  • Intersection of S and T: set of elements in both S and T. S ∩ T
  • Difference of S and T: set of elements in S but not in T. S \ T

Example: {a, b, c} ∪ {b, d} = {a, b, c, d}

{a, b, c} ∩ {b, d} = {b}

{a, b, c} \ {b, d} = {a, c}

{a, b, c} ∩ {d, e, f } = {}

{a, b, c} \ {d, e, f } = {a, b, c}

What is contained in Event-B

  • Event-B context contains:
    • Sets: abstract types used in specification
    • Constants: logical variables whose value remain constant
    • Axioms: constraints on the constants. An axiom is a logical predicate.
  • Event-B machine contains:
    • Variables: state variables whose values can change
    • Invariants: constraints on the variables that should always hold true. An invariant is a logical predicate.
    • Initialisation: initial values for the abstract variables
    • Events: guarded actions specifying ways in which the variables can change. Events may have parameters.


  • All variables and expressions in B must have a type.
    • Types are represented by sets.
  • Let T be a set and x a constant or variable.
    • x ∈ T specifies that x is of type T.
  • All the elements of a set must have the same type.

  • Basic types are introduced to represent the entities of the problem being modelled.

  • Types help to structure specifications by differentiating objects.
  • Types help to prevent errors by not allowing us to write meaningless things.
  • Types can be checked by computer.


The powerset of a set S is the set whose elements are all subsets of S.

Predicate Logic

Defining Set Operators with Logic

Examples of Event-B

Simple Event-B model: Counter


  • Invariants define valid system states.

Increasing and decreasing the Counter

  • Events define changes to the system state.
  • Events have guards and actions.
  • Guards must be true for the actions to be executed.

Simple Example: Dictionary


Increasing and decreasing the Counter

This event has a parameter w representing the word that is added to the set of known words.

Checking if a word is in a dictionary: 2 cases

  • Cases are represented by separate events.
  • In both cases, r! represents a result parameter.
  • We use the ! convention to represent result parameters.

In both cases, result represents a the output parameter.

Example Requirements for a Building Control System

  • Specify a system that monitors users entering and leaving a building.
  • A person can only enter the building if they are recognised by the monitor.
  • The system should be aware of whether a recognised user is currently inside or outside the building.


Entering and Leaving the Building

Adding New Users

  • New users cannot be registered yet.
  • Newly registered users must be added either to in or out to preserve inv5.
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