Home Query Optimisation in Databases

Query Optimisation in Databases

In this blog, I will discuss how a database engine optimises a SQL query statement with multiple relations (tables), from the database execution plan perspective.


How Many Query Trees in a Relational Query?

When we know how to do cost estimation, we have a way of determining whether one plan is better than another. Our next step is to compare all possible plans to find the optimal plan.

But here’s the problem: How many possible plans are there?

Considering plans with only × or , and with n relations:

The Main Determinant of Query Cost: Joining Order

  • As above, the number of query trees explodes with increasing of n (number of relations)
  • So, in reality, it is impossible to perform an exhaustive search to determiner which query tree is best (which query plan is best).
  • Join ordering is the main determiner of query cost
    • Need to use Query Graphs to guide search through space of possible join orderings
    • Prefer over × (smaller output relation, which is cheaper)

Query Graphs


  • For this example, we consider conjunctive queries with simple predicates only (i.e. predicates of the form a = b or a = 1)
  • Queries join base relations R1, R2, ..., Rn, possibly modified by selections
  • We can construct a query graph for queries of this type
    • Undirected graph
      • Undirected graphs are used because the connections between relationships are usually bi-directional, which means that the order of the connections can be arbitrary and does not affect the final result. (Join operations don’t care about the order)
    • Vertices (R1, R2, ..., Rn)
    • Edges (<R, S>)
      • A predicate of the form a = b, where a ∈ R1 and b ∈ R2, gives an edge <R1, R2>
      • A predicate of the form a = 1, where a ∈ R1, gives an edge <R1, R1>

Assuming, we have the following 3 tables:


For the above SQL, we can get the following undirected graph:

Different Query Graphs

Query graph shapes

  • Different query graph structures serve specific use cases:
    • Chain: When a query involves several tables, and each table is joined only with the previous and/or next table in the chain, a chain structure is formed.
    • Cycle: A cycle structure emerges in a query graph when the join conditions create a closed loop among the tables. This means that starting from one table, you can follow the join conditions through a series of tables and eventually return to the starting table.
    • Star: When there is a central fact table surrounded by multiple dimension tables connected to it, a star structure is formed. This is common in star schema data warehouses.
    • Clique: When a query requires multiple tables and each table must be joined with every other table, a clique structure is formed. This typically occurs in query designs that require a full join among multiple tables.
    • Tree: When a query can be executed without forming any cycles, meaning no table needs to be joined twice, a tree structure is formed.
    • Cyclic: When the join relations in a query contain cycles, a cyclic structure is formed. This might require more optimization to reduce the cost of the query.
  • They can help us exclude join orderings that would lead to cross products (Cross products/joins, which is ×, means that every row in two tables matches every row in another table once, resulting in a result set whose size is the product of the number of rows in the two tables. Cross products/joins tend to be very inefficient because they generate a lot of unnecessary data).

Join Trees

  • Choice of join tree shapes also constrains search space
  • Two main classes of join tree
    • Linear (left-deep, right-deep, zig-zag)
    • Bushy
  • Choice depends on:
    • Algorithms chosen (i.e. physical plan operators)
    • Execution model

Linear Join Trees

  • Every join introduces at least one base relation
  • Better for pipelining - avoids materialisation
  • Possible left-deep trees: n!
  • Possible right-deep trees: n!
  • Possible zig-zag trees: n! * 2^(n-2)

Bushy Join Trees

  • Some joins may not join any base relations
  • Need not be balanced
  • Better for parallel processing
  • Possible bushy trees: n! * C(n-1) = (2n)!/n!
  • Linear Join Trees is a special type of Bushy Join Trees

Optimising Query Trees (Optimised Logical Query Plan)

Optimisation Approaches

  • Wide variety of approaches (no single best approach)
    • Heuristic: transformation rules, keep transformed plan if cheaper
      1. Start with canonical form
      2. Push σ operators down the tree
      3. Introduce joins (combine × and σ to create )
      4. Determine join order
      5. Push π operators down the tree
    • Dynamic programming
    • Randomised: avoid local minima by randomly jumping within big search spaces

Example (Heuristic)

Transforms into Left-Deep Tree

  • Query trees should be:
    • Useful to only consider left-deep trees (Left-deep trees are easier to translate into efficient execution plans, because the database query optimiser executes the leftmost table joins first)
    • Fewer possible left-deep trees than possible bushy trees (smaller search space when investigating join orderings)
    • Left deep trees work well with common join algorithms (nested-loop, index, one-pass, …)
  • Canonical form should be:
    • a left-deep tree of products with
    • a conjunctive selection above the products and
    • a projection (of the output attributes) above the selection

Transforms into left-deep tree

Move σ down

  • According to Relational Transformations σ p∧q∧r (R) = σp(σq(σr(R))) and σp(σq(R)) = σq(σp(R)):
    • A selection of the form σ (a = 1) can be pushed down to just above the relation that contains a
    • A selection of the form σ (a = b) can be pushed down to the product above the subtree containing the relations that contain a and b

Move σ down

Reorder Joins

  • If a query joins n relations and we restrict ourselves only to left-deep trees, there are n! possible join orderings
    • Far more possible orderings if we don’t restrict to left-deep
  • For simplicity of search, adopt a greedy approach:
    • Reorder subtrees to put the most restrictive relations (fewest tuples) first

Assuming that tuples of PNAME = "Aquarius" is less than BDATE > "1957-12-31":

Reorder Joins

Combine Products to Create joins

  • According to Relational Transformations σp(R⨉S) = R ⨝p S:
    • Combine × with adjacent σ to form
    • Much cheaper than product followed by selection (eliminating a lot of unnecessary data)

Combine Products to Create joins

Move π down

If intermediate relations are to be kept in buffers (i.e. materialised), reducing the degree of those relations (number of attributes) allows us to use fewer buffer frames。

Move π down

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