Home Software Modelling and Design

Software Modelling and Design


What is Modelling/Design?

  • What do we want to build?
    • Software Model: A description (textual or visual) of any aspects of a software system such as requirements, architecture, behaviour, structure, or concurrency model
  • How do we write this down?
    • Software Modelling: The practice of creating and analysing software models.
  • What is Design?
    • Design is the process of deciding how software will meet requirements.

You may be thinking:

  • Modelling is a waste of time
  • We need to show something to the customer really quickly
  • We are judged by the amount of (Line of Code)LOC/month
  • We expect or know that the schedule is too tight
  • Skip requirements engineering and design phases

However, The longer you postpone coding, the sooner you’ll be finished. Modeling is important for large projects!

Why Do We Model Software?

Several camps in modelling:

  • Those who use models to document important decisions, outcome of different analyses
  • Those who use models to communicate about software
  • Those who use models to validate software
  • Those who use models to generate software

Why Build Models:

  1. Modelling can guide your exploration:
    • can help you figure out what questions to ask
    • can help to reveal key design decisions
    • can help you to uncover problems
      • e.g. conflicting or infeasible requirements, confusion over terminology, scope, etc.
  2. Modelling can help us check our understanding
    • Reason about the model to understand its consequences
    • Does it have the properties we expect?
    • Animate the model to help us visualise/validate the requirements
  3. Modelling can help us communicate
    • Provide useful abstracts that focus on the point you want to make without overwhelming people with detail
    • To make sense of the world…

The design/modelling process

The design process consists mainly 4 activities:

  1. Postulate a solution
  2. Build a model of the solution
  3. Evaluate the model against original requirements
    • There is an interaction between requirements engineering, architectural, and detailed design
  4. Elaborate the model to produce a detailed specification of the solution

  • Designer formulates and develops an abstract model representative of the solution
  • The design process is not straightforward because of the nature of software
    • The complexity of software
    • The problem of conformity
    • The (apparent) ease of changeability
    • The invisibility of software

Forms of Design Representation:

  • Textual
  • Diagrammatical
  • Mathematical


  • State Charts
  • Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
  • Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • Formal Methods (Event-B)

What is Good Design?

Some Criteria for a Good Design:

  • It can meet the known requirements (functional and nonfunctional)
  • It is maintainable:
    • i.e., it can be adapted to meet future requirements
  • It is straightforward to explain to the stakeholders
  • It makes appropriate use of existing technology,
    • e.g., reusable components
    • documented using known standards

Design Principles

  • Modularity, coupling and cohesion
    • Hierarchical structure and model decomposition
  • Encapsulation & information hiding
  • Abstraction: to focus on main properties and manage complexity
  • Limit complexity
    • Models of a complex system shouldn’t necessarily to be complex

Design Principle 1: Modularisation

  • This principle drives the continues decomposition of the software system until fine-grained components are created.
    • Rational: it allows software systems to be manageable at all phased of the development life-cycle.
    • When you modularise a design, you are also modularising requirements, programming, test cases, etc.
  • Plays a key role during all design activities.
    • it provides a roadmap for software development starting from coarse-grained components that are further modularised into fine-grained components directly related to code.
    • Leads to designs that are easy to understand, resulting in systems that are easier to develop and maintain.

But how do we devise the “modularisation strategy”?

  • It turns out that two other principles can effectively guide designers during this process
    • Abstraction
    • Encapsulation

Design Principle 2: Abstraction

  • Abstraction is to focuses on essential features, while deferring unnecessary details to the later stages.
    • The principle of modularisation specifies what needs to be done.
    • The principle of abstraction provides guidance as to how it should be done.

Design Principle 3: Encapsulation

  • Principle that deals with providing access to the services of abstracted entities by exposing only the information that is essential to carry out such services while hiding details of how the services are carried out.
    • When applied to data, encapsulation provides access only to thenecessary data of abstracted entities, no more, no less.
    • Encapsulation and abstraction go hand in hand.
      • When we do abstraction, we hide details
      • When we do encapsulation, we revise our abstractions to enforce that abstracted entities only expose essential information, no more, no less.
    • Encapsulation forces us to create good abstractions!

Design Principle 4: Coupling

  • Refers to the manner and degree of interdependence between software modules.

  • Measurement of dependency between units. The higher the coupling, the higher the dependency and vice versa.

Types of Coupling:

  1. Content/Code coupling
    • The most severe type, since it refers to modules that modify and rely on internal information of other modules.
  2. Data coupling
    • Dependency through data passed between modules, e.g., through function parameters.
    • Does not depend on other modules’ internals or globally accessible data, therefore, design units are shielded from changes in other places.

Consequences of Coupling:

In all cases, a high degree of coupling gives rise to negative side effects.

  • Quality, in terms of reusability and maintainability, decrease.
  • When coupling increase, so does complexity of managing and maintaining design units.

Design Principle 5: Cohesion

  • The manner and degree to which the tasks performed by a single software module are related to one another.

  • The manner and degree to which the tasks performed by a single software module are related to one another.

  • Cohesion can be classified as:
    • Functional cohesion
    • Procedural (or sequential) cohesion
    • Temporal cohesion
    • Communication cohesion
  • High cohesion is good, low cohesion is bad

Design Principle 6: Separation of Interface and Implementation

  • Deals with creating modules in such way that a stable interface is identified and separated from its implementation.

  • Not the same thing as encapsulation!

    • While encapsulation dictates hiding the details of implementation,
    • this principle dictates their separation, so that different implementations of the same interface can be swapped to provide modified or new behavior.

Design Principle 7: Sufficiency

  • Sufficiency measures how well the designed units are at providing only the services that are sufficient for achieving the intent (no more)
  • Deals with capturing enough characteristics of the abstraction to permit meaningful interaction
  • Must provide a full set of operations to allow a client properly interact with the abstraction.
  • Implies minimal interface

Design Principle 8: Completeness

  • Deals with interface capturing all the essential characteristics of the abstraction.
  • Implies an interface general enough for any prospective client
  • Completeness is subjective and carried too far can have unwanted results.

Sufficiency is about meeting basic requirements, completeness is about ensuring all essential requirements, nuances, and details are addressed.

Levels of design

  • Design occurs at different levels, e.g. someone must decide:
    • how is your system split up into subsystems?
      • high-level, or architectural design
    • what are the classes in each subsystem?
      • low-level, or detailed design
  • At each level, decisions needed on
    • what are the responsibilities of each component/class ?
    • what are the interfaces?
    • what messages are exchanged, in what order?
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