Main Types of Testing
- black-box testing: does the system behave according to its specification?
- white-box testing: are all aspects of the code covered by the tests?
- grey-box testing: uses a combination of both specification and knowledge of the internal workings of the software.
Black-Box Testing
- In black-box testing, we can treat our system as a “black box”, without looking at its internal structure.
- In a black-box test one:
- passes an input to the system,
- records the output produced by the system,
- compares it to the expected output of the system.
- Test cases are derived from the specification.
- A specification may be formal or informal.
- If there is no specification, then any behaviour is deemed correct.
- Experience has shown that programmers often make mistakes on edge cases of specification.
- This motivates so-called boundary value analysis to derive test case data for black-box testing.
- The idea is to consider the boundaries of the equivalence classes.
- No Need for Internal Knowledge: It does not require knowledge of the internal code structure. This allows testers to objectively test the software, focusing on inputs and outputs without any bias related to the internal code.
- User Perspective: It simulates the end-user perspective, ensuring the software is examined for real-world use cases.
- Flexibility: Testers do not need to be programmers, making it more accessible for various testers.
- Efficient for Large Code Bases: Ideal for large, complex applications where understanding every aspect of the codebase is impractical.
- Limited Coverage: It might miss certain “hidden” functionalities, as it only tests what the software is supposed to do and not how it does it.
- Inefficient for Algorithm Testing: Not suitable for algorithm testing as it cannot check the internal workings of the software.
- Potential Redundancy: Without insight into the code, tests may be redundant or insufficient in covering certain aspects.
- Dependent on Requirements: Heavily reliant on the documentation and requirements. If these are not clear, testing may not be effective.
White-Box Testing
- In white-box testing, we have complete knowledge of the code.
- But we are more concerned with code coverage, i.e. the derivation of test data sets is based on the analysis of source code.
- Thorough Testing: Allows for a thorough testing of the application as it covers all possible paths, including branches, loops, and conditions within the code.
- Optimization: Helps in optimizing the code by identifying redundant paths and unreachable code.
- Early Bug Detection: Can detect issues early in the development phase.
- Better Integration: Facilitates more integrated testing when combined with black-box testing, leading to a more comprehensive test coverage.
- Requires Strong Knowledge: Testers need to have a strong understanding of the internal workings of the application, which can be complex and time-consuming.
- Time-Consuming and Costly: Creating and maintaining white-box tests can be more time-consuming and expensive than black-box tests.
- Not Suitable for User Interface Testing: Does not focus on usability or the user interface; it is more about internal functionality.
- Potential Bias: Testers’ knowledge of the code can introduce bias, potentially overlooking errors or user experience issues.
Grey-box Testing
- Grey-box testing combines aspects of both black-box and white-box testing.
- Balanced Approach: Provides a good balance between internal workings (as in white-box testing) and external functionality (as in black-box testing).
- Efficient Test Design: Allows testers to design test scenarios more effectively by using both high-level (black-box) and detailed (white-box) perspectives.
- Increased Test Coverage: Can uncover different types of issues – both from the user’s perspective and from the system internals.
- Improved Communication: Facilitates better communication between developers and testers, as it requires understanding both functional specifications and code structure.
- Limited Depth in Both Perspectives: Might not be as thorough as pure white-box testing in uncovering deep technical issues or as effective as pure black-box testing in evaluating user experience and usability.
- Potential for Overlooking Errors: There’s a risk of overlooking certain types of errors that might be caught by a more focused black-box or white-box approach.
- Complexity in Test Design: Designing grey-box tests can be more complex, as it requires an understanding of both the external behavior and some aspects of the internal structure of the application.
Coverage Criteria for White-box Testing
- There are a number of coverage criteria for white-box testing:
- Statement coverage
- Branch coverage
- Condition coverage
- Branch + Condition coverage
- Modified Condition/ Decision Coverage
Statement Coverage
- Definition: Measures whether each statement in the program’s source code has been executed.
- The most widely used coverage criterion.
Branch Coverage
- Definition: Ensures that each branch of every control structure (like if-else statements) is executed.
- Full branch coverage does not guarantee that a failure will be found.
- branch coverage subsumes statement coverage.
Condition Coverage
- Definition: Checks whether each boolean sub-expression evaluated both to true and false.
- Condition coverage does not subsume branch coverage.
Branch + Condition Coverage
- Definition: Branch + Condition Coverage combines both branch coverage and condition coverage. It ensures that every branch (as in branch coverage) and each condition within a decision (as in condition coverage) are evaluated both to true and false.
- This combination obviously subsumes Branch Coverage and Condition Coverage.
Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC)
- Definition: MC/DC is a criterion used in high-integrity systems (like avionics software). It requires that each condition in a decision affects that decision’s outcome independently. MC/DC ensures that test cases explore scenarios where each condition can independently affect the overall decision’s outcome.
- Main idea: conditions should independently affect the decision outcome.
- MC/DC subsumes Branch and Condition Coverage
Regression Testing
- When software is modified, new test cases are typically added to test new code.
- However, there is a danger that the new changes have introduced a fault, perhaps broken previously tested code.
- Such changes are called regressions.
- Regression testing is applied when code is modified; essentially it involves running old tests on the new code.
- This can be very expensive.
- The main idea is to select only a subset of tests that are relevant to the modifications and only run those.
- Some possible criteria for regression test selection:
- Code-based: only run test cases that execute the modified code.
- Control flow-based: only run test cases that execute modified control flow nodes.
Fuzz Testing
- Fuzzing is an example of negative testing.
- Fuzz supplied random inputs to command line tools, looking for exploitable security bugs.
- In fuzz testing, the first step is input generation.
- One way to create inputs is to generate them randomly.
- In practice, this doesn’t work very well because obviously the program rejects invalid inputs easily
- The main idea behind fuzzing is to observe a program’s behaviour on inputs that are almost valid.
- There are two common approaches:
- Mutation-based fuzzing
- Generation-based fuzzing
Mutation-Based Fuzzing
- In mutation-based fuzzing, one starts with a well-formed seed input, and mutates it to generate new inputs.
- A seed input can be supplied manually, but if a test suite for the program is available, the test inputs can be used as seeds.
- It Does not require any knowledge of the input format.
- However, the mutated inputs tend to be rejected early because they vary too much from what is expected by the program.
- Typically, it gives low-code coverage.
Generation-Based Fuzzing
- A generation-based fuzzer needs to know the grammar of the input format in order to generate inputs.
- Typically, it gives much better code coverage because inputs are much more plausible.
- However, requires knowledge of the input format.
- Generation-based fuzzing gives better code coverage but requires more effort.
Grey-Box Fuzzing
- An interesting more recent approach to fuzzing seeks to
- use conventional mutation-based fuzzing (requiring a seed input)
- use “lightweight” coverage information
- obtain coverage information by instrumenting the program to monitor the control flow,
- save those generated inputs that resulted in new coverage and use them for future re-fuzzing.
- Perhaps surprisingly, this approach has been highly successful at finding security vulnerabilities in practice.