Home Symbolic Model Checking

Symbolic Model Checking

In the realms of computer science and formal verification, Symbolic Model Checking stands as a crucial technique, especially in verifying complex systems like digital circuits and software programs.


What is Symbolic Model Checking?

Symbolic Model Checking is an approach used in the field of formal verification to prove or disprove properties of a system (often hardware or software) modeled formally with mathematical objects. Unlike traditional model checking that enumerates all possible states of a system, symbolic model checking uses mathematical symbols to represent and explore state spaces efficiently.

The Birth and Evolution of Symbolic Model Checking

Symbolic Model Checking emerged in the 1980s as a response to the limitations of explicit state model checking. The primary challenge was the state explosion problem, where the number of states grows exponentially with the number of components in a system. Symbolic approaches, particularly those utilising Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), offer a way to compactly represent and manipulate large state spaces.

Key Components of Symbolic Model Checking

  1. Model Representation: The system model is often represented using Kripke structures or similar formalisms, encompassing states and transitions.

  2. Property Specification: Properties to be verified are specified using temporal logics like CTL (Computation Tree Logic) or LTL (Linear Temporal Logic).

  3. Symbolic Algorithms: Algorithms that manipulate symbolic representations, like BDDs, to explore possible states and verify the specified properties.

Explicit versus Symbolic Modelling of Software Systems

Explicit Modelling:

  • transition systems model software systems explicitly
    • each node represents a system state
    • each edge represents an atomic state change
  • this suffers from state space explosion
    • the number of states grows exponentially with the number of variables
    • a system with n Boolean variables can have 2^n states
  • so, transition systems are inadequate to model systems with more than a few variables

Symbolic Modelling:

  • in contrast, symbolic model checking avoids explicitly constructing the state space of a system, and instead represents it as a formula in propositional logic
    • this allows for compact representations, e.g. using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs)

Symbolic Modelling of Systems

Represent a System Symbolically

Boolean Connectives and Notation

  • boolean connectives: ¬ (not), ∨ (or), ∧ (and), → (implies), ↔ (if and only if, means that the result is true when the values of the two variables are the same, and false when they are different.)
  • V = {v1, . . . , vn} set of boolean variables

Symbolic Representation of Systems

Example: Noughts and Crosses

  • Variables and Domain:
    • Variables: V = {x1, . . . , x9, t}. Domain(value of Variables):D = { –, X, O, A, B }
    • variable xi encodes the content of cell i
      • stands for empty cell
      • X stands for marked by player A
      • O stands for marked by player B
    • variable t encodes the player who moves next (A or B)

An explicit representation of the state space would use ≈ 40000 states!

  • Initial configurations:
    • Init: (x1 = −) ∧ (x2 = −) ∧ . . . ∧ (x9 = −) ∧ (t = A ∨ t = B)
    • (all cells are empty and either player A or player B can start)
  • Transition relation:
    • (either player A or player B can move, if it is her turn, and mark one of the empty cells)

  • Winning condition for player A (B is similar):

Represent a Program Symbolically

int x,y = 0,0;
while (true)
  x,y = (x+1) mod 3, x+1;
  • variables: x, y with domain int (bounded!)

Boolean Programs

  • in the previous examples, the domains(values) for the variables are not Boolean
  • to encode Init and Trans as propositional logic formulas, we would need to encode each program variable using several boolean variables
  • to avoid doing this (for convenience), we restrict to Boolean programs:
    • only Boolean variables
    • only ASSIGNMENT, IF, and WHILE statements
    • no procedure calls

How to Represent a Boolean Program?

Example of a Boolean Program:

L1 : x1 = false;
L2 : while (x1 ∧ x2) do
L3 :    x1 = true;
L4 : endwhile;
L5 : if (x1 ∨ x2) then
L6 :    x1 = x1 ↔ x2;
L7 : else
L8 :    x2 = x1 ↔ x2;
L9 : endif
L10 :

(L1 - L10 is program counters)

Program counters L represents the position where the previous statement finished executing, it does not mean that the next statement is going to be executed.

For example:

  • L7 means: x1 = x1 ↔ x2 has finished executing, the next step should break if directly. So, the next of L7 should be L10!
  • L7 doesn’t means: else is going to be executed. So, the next of L7 should not be L8!

It is important to understand this description. Otherwise, looking at the following Encoding example is going to be confusing.

  • variables:
    • V = {x1, x2, PC}
  • domain:
    • D = {F, T, L1, . . . , L10}
    • still not Boolean!
  • transitions:
    • Trans = ?

It seems hard to get Trans, so let’s look at a few simple examples first:

Example of Encoding assignments Trans

Example of Encoding if-then-else statements Trans

Example of Encoding while statements Trans

Trans of Previous Example

How do We Encode PC = Li as A Boolean Formula?

Representation on the previous slide is still not a Boolean formula! We need to encode PC = Li as a boolean formula.

  • assume the values of the program counter (L1, . . . , L10 in the previous example) can be represented using n bits (4 in the example)
  • use Boolean variables pc0, . . . , pc_n−1 to encode the value of the program counter
    • e.g. use variables pc0, pc1, pc2, pc3 to encode integers i ∈ {1, . . . , 10} (and thus the formula PC = Li). For example: i = 6 (i.e. 0110 in binary), the formula PC = L6 is encoded as (pc3 ↔ 0) ∧ (pc2 ↔ 1) ∧ (pc2 ↔ 1) ∧ (pc3 ↔ 0)

Similar encodings can be done for programs with variables of types other than Boolean!

Symbolic Model Checking

A Simple Example

Computing Reachable States

Checking Safety Properties

Checking LTL Properties

BDDs and Symbolic Model Checking

  • binary decision diagrams (BDDs) are a canonical form to represent Boolean functions
    • often more compact than traditional normal forms
    • can be manipulated efficiently
  • reachable state space can be represented as a BDD
  • property verification uses iterative computations on the reachable state space
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