Home Security By Design

Security By Design


What is Software Security?

  • Security is a risk management business
    • loss of time, money, privacy, reputation, advantage
    • insurance model: balance costs against risk of loss
  • Software security is the idea of engineering software so that it continues to function correctly under malicious attack.

  • Software security is about tools, techniques and methods to support the development and maintenance of systems that can resist malicious attacks that are intended to damage a computer-based system or its data.

Security Dimensions

  • Confidentiality
    • Information in a system may be disclosed or made accessible to people or programs that are not authorized to have access to that information.
  • Integrity
    • Information in a system may be damaged or corrupted, making it unusual or unreliable.
  • Availability
    • Access to a system or its data that is normally available may not be possible.

The Difference Between Software Safety and Software Security

  • Software Safety: This is concerned with ensuring that software operates without causing unacceptable risk or harm. The focus is on preventing software from behaving in unintended or hazardous ways that could lead to accidents or harm to people, property, or the environment. It’s more about the software’s reliability and its ability to operate without causing unintended damage.
  • Software Security: This deals with protecting software from malicious attacks and unauthorized access. The focus is on safeguarding software and its associated data against intentional threats such as hacking, viruses, and cyberattacks. It’s about defending against external threats that aim to exploit vulnerabilities.

Software Safety is to ensure that the software is not harmful to others, other systems, other environments, etc.

Software Security is to ensure that others, other systems, other environments, etc., are not harmful to the software.

What is Security By Design?

  • Security by design is an approach that builds a system with security in mind right from the beginning.
    • A proactive approach to security
    • focuses on incorporating security measures throughout the development and implementation process
  • Consider security throughout the SDLC (software development life cycle)

Introducing Security to SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)

Security Design Principles

Principles: a fundamental truth or proposition serving as the foundation for belief or action

We define a security design principle as:

  • a declarative statement made with the intention of guiding security design decisions in order to meet the goals of a system

Assign the least privilege possible

  • Why?
    • Broad privileges allow malicious or accidental access to protected resources
  • Principle
    • Limit privileges to the minimum for the context
  • Tradeoff
    • Less convenient; less efficient; more complexity
  • Example
    • Run server processes as their own users with exactly the set of privileges they require

Separate responsibilities

  • Why?
    • Achieve control and accountability; limit the impact of successful attacks; make attacks less attractive
  • Principle
    • Separate and compartmentalise responsibilities and privileges
  • Tradeoff
    • Development and testing costs; operational complexity: Troubleshooting more difficult
  • Example
    • “Payments” module administrators have no access to or control over “Orders” module features

Trust cautiously

  • Why?
    • Many security problems are caused by inserting malicious intermediaries in communication paths
  • Principle
    • Assume unknown entities are untrusted; have a clear process to establish trust; validate who is connecting
  • Tradeoff
    • Operational complexity (particularly failure recovery); reliability; some development overhead
  • Example
    • Don’t accept untrusted RMI connections; use client certificates; credentials or network controls, scan OSS (Open Source Software)

Simplest solution possible

  • Why?
    • Security requires understanding of design: complexity is rarely understood; simplicity allows analysis
  • Principle
    • Actively design for simplicity; avoid complex failure modes, implicit behaviour, unnecessary features,…
  • Tradeoff
    • Hard decision on features and sophistication. It needs a serious design effort to be simple.
  • Example
    • Does the system really need dynamic runtime configuration via a custom DSL?

Audit sensitive events

  • Why?
    • Provide a record of activity; deter wrong doing; provide a log to reconstruct the past; provide a monitoring point
  • Principle
    • Record all security significant events in a tamper-resistant store
  • Tradeoff
    • Performance; operational complexity; dev cost
  • Example
    • Record changes to “core” business entities in an append-only store with (user, ip, timestamp, entity, event)

Fail securely & use secure defaults

  • Why?
    • Default passwords, ports & rules are “open doors”. Failure and restart states often default to “insecure”
  • Principle
    • Force changes to security sensitive parameters. Think through failures: to be secure but recoverable
  • Tradeoff
    • Convenience
  • Example
    • Don’t allow “SYSTEM/MANAGER” after installation
    • On failure don’t disable or reset security controls

Never rely upon obscurity

  • Why?
    • Hiding things is difficult: someone is going to find them, accidentally if not on purpose
  • Principle
    • Assume attacker with perfect knowledge, this forces secure system design
  • Tradeoff
    • Designing a truly secure system takes time and effort
  • Example
    • Assume an attacker will guess a “port knock” network request sequence or a password obfuscation technique

Implement defence in depth

  • Why?
    • Systems do get attacked; breaches do happen; mistakes are made. So, we need to minimise the impact.
  • Principle
    • Don’t rely on a single point of security; secure every level; stop failures at one level propagating
  • Tradeoff
    • Redundancy of policy; complex permission and troubleshooting; can make recovery difficult;
  • Example
    • Access control in UI, services, database, OS

Never invent security technology

  • Why?
    • Security technology is difficult to create: avoiding vulnerabilities is difficult
  • Principle
    • Don’t create your own security technology: always use a proven component
  • Tradeoff
    • Time to assess security technology; effort to learn it; complexity
  • Example
    • Don’t invent your own SSO mechanism; secret storage or crypto libraries; choose proven components
  • Why?
    • “Paper Wall” problem: common when focus is on technologies not threats
  • Principle
    • Find the weakest link in the security chain and strengthen it: repeat! (Threat modelling)
  • Tradeoff
    • Significant effort required; often reveals problems at the least convenient moment!
  • Example
    • Data privacy threat: encrypted communication but with unencrypted database storage and backups
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