Contents What is Dynamic Programming? Key Principles Advantages of Dynamic Programming Disadvantages of Dynamic Programming Applications of Dynamic Programmi...
Algorithmic Thinking: Dynamic Programming
Algorithmic Thinking: Backtracking
Contents What is a Backtracking Algorithm? Key Principles Advantages of Backtracking Disadvantages of Backtracking Applications of Backtracking Algorithms ...
Algorithmic Thinking: Divide-and-Conquer
Contents What is a Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm? Key Principles Advantages of Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms Disadvantages of Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms Ap...
Algorithmic Thinking: Greedy
Contents What is a Greedy Algorithm? Key Principles Applications of Greedy Algorithms Advantages of Greedy Algorithms Disadvantages of Greedy Algorithms ...
Common String Matching Algorithms: KMP
String matching is a common problem in computer science, where the goal is to find occurrences of a pattern within a text. The Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm is one of the most efficient soluti...
Relatively Simple String Matching Algorithms: BF and RK
String matching is a fundamental problem in computer science, where the goal is to find occurrences of a pattern within a text. This problem is crucial in various applications, including text searc...
Implementation of the Red-Black Tree
Red-black tree is a good and bad data structure: “good” because of its stable and efficient performance. “bad” because of its implementation is challenging and complex. ...
Physical Plan in Databases Query Processing
Contents Physical Plan Operators Computation Model Scan Table Scan Index Scan One-Pass Algorithms Unary...
Execution Models in Databases Query Processing
A physical query plan is a tree of physical plan operators The execution model defines: the interface that connects operators to each other Relation(s) in, relati...
Cost Estimation: The Basics of Query Optimisation in Databases
Cost estimation provides the foundation for query optimization by estimating the resource requirements of different query execution plans. Query optimization uses these cost estimates to select the...