Chang Wan

Relations and Functions in Event-B

Contents Ordered Pairs (↦) and Cartesian Products (×) Cartesian Products: Definition and Examples Cartesian Product is a Type Constructor Sets of Order Pairs ...

Introduction to Event-B

Contents What is Event-B? Basic Set Theory Set and Elements Enumeration and Cardinality of Finite Sets Subset and Equality Relations for Sets Operations on...

Introduction to Formal Methods & Event-B

In computer science, formal methods are mathematically rigorous techniques for the specification, development, analysis, and verification of software and hardware systems. The use of formal meth...

Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation in Java

Java, known for its portability and efficiency, owes much of its performance optimization to the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. The JIT compiler is a remarkable feature of the Java ecosystem, offeri...

Some Java basics

Contents What are the characteristics of Java? Advantage Limitation What are reference copy, shallow copy and deep copy? What is the Garbage Collector and ho...

Some Interesting Codes in Java

Java has some interesting and counter-intuitive code. If you run this code, it is possible that something unexpected will happen. By understanding them, we can avoid some bugs and get a better unde...

NuSMV Model Checker

Contents What is NuSMV? Key Features of NuSMV Applications of NuSMV Hardware Verification Software Verification Protocol Verificat...

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Clean Code: Boundaries

We seldom control all the software in our systems. Sometimes we buy third-party packages or use open source. Other times we depend on teams in our own company to produce components or subsystems...

Planning Projects - Risk (Process Groups)

Contents Project Risk Management Identifying Risks What Is a Risk Register? Analysing Risk Responding to Risks Proj...

Planning Projects - Communication (Process Groups)

Contents Communications Planning What Will Be Communicated? When Will the Communication Happen? How will it be communicated Effective Communication ...
