Chang Wan

Designing a Generic, High-Performance Sorting Algorithm

In the quest for efficiency and versatility in software development, the design of sorting algorithms plays a pivotal role. A well-crafted sorting algorithm can significantly enhance the performanc...


Recursive algorithms are a fascinating aspect of programming and algorithm design, offering elegant solutions to complex problems by allowing a function to call itself. Recursive algorithms are a ...

Stacks and Queues: Operation-Constrained Linear Lists

Linear lists, often simply referred to as lists, are the data structure that represents a sequence of elements arranged in a linear order. In addition to arrays and linked lists, stacks and queues ...

Mastering Linked Lists: Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Although simple, linked lists are crucial in data structures, providing a dynamic and flexible way of storing and managing data. It is important for us to avoid some common pitfalls in linked lists...

Linked Lists: The Opposite of Arrays

In the realm of data structures, linked lists are as fundamental as arrays but come with their own unique set of advantages for certain use cases. Contents Different Types of Linked Lis...

Arrays: The Cornerstone of Organized Data

Arrays are one of the most fundamental and widely used data structures in computer programming. They serve as a crucial building block for more complex data structures and algorithms. Contents ...

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戚继光去世前如此凄凉的结局,他自己想到了吗?他大概是想到了。身为中国古代的名将,尤其是明朝的名将,应该是有这样的政治自觉的。他具有可贵而清醒的现实感,他尽量不去触动体制,他只做自己力所能及的事情。 目录 帝国畸形的军事制度 肆虐的倭寇 用倭寇的方式打败倭寇 不触碰明暗的规则 张居正的信任 “蓟门无事,则足下之事已毕” 凄惨的结局 ...

Academic Essay Conclusions

Contents What can be included in a good conclusion? Some Examples limitations implications of the results suggestions for further research overview of the ...

How to cite sources in academic essay?

Citing sources in academic writing can be done in three ways: quotation paraphrase summary Contents Quotation What is a Quotation? Why Use Quotations? How...

Academic Integrity

Contents What is Academic Integrity? Examples of Plagiarism How to avoid Plagiarism What is Academic Integrity? Plagiarism Reproducing or paraphrasing work without...
