Contents What can be included in a good conclusion? Some Examples limitations implications of the results suggestions for further research overview of the ...
Academic Essay Conclusions
How to cite sources in academic essay?
Citing sources in academic writing can be done in three ways: quotation paraphrase summary Contents Quotation What is a Quotation? Why Use Quotations? How...
Academic Integrity
Contents What is Academic Integrity? Examples of Plagiarism How to avoid Plagiarism What is Academic Integrity? Plagiarism Reproducing or paraphrasing work without...
海瑞太过纯粹,纯粹到不适应社会。他忠于体制,恪尽职守,几乎是儒家道德体制下的完人。可是,在以“道德”为标榜的体制下,他竟孤立无援。 目录 巧合的升迁 嘉靖与海瑞 再度升迁 整顿土地兼并 被迫退休 帝国的吉祥物 1587 年阳历 11 月 13 日,南京都察院右都御史海瑞在任所与世长辞。他是一个富有传奇性的人物,对他的生平行事应该...
How to find reliable sources for academic essay?
When doing academic writing, it is important to make sure that the sources are reliable. You can determine if a source is reliable or unreliable by: Type of source Currency Relevance to you...
Academic Essay Paragraphs
Contents Paragraph Structure Paragraph Rules Paragraph Structure Topic sentence the main and most general sentence, usually the first one Supporting sente...
Academic Essay Introductions
Contents Characteristics of Strong and Week Introductions Strong introductions Week introductions Introduction Contents Contents Some examples...
Overview of Academic Essay
This blog shows an overview of the basic structure of an academic essay. An academic essay usually contains: A clear thesis (purpose) An introduction A thesis statement A body A conclu...
每个读者只能读到已然存在于他内心的东西。书籍只不过是一种光学仪器,帮助读者发现自己的内心。 ——马塞尔·普鲁斯特 一些看法 《皮囊》确实像是一个很好的“光学仪器”,帮助我们发现自己的内心。这也是该书出彩的原因之一。 不过也有不少人不太喜欢本书后几章作者自我描述的部分。我觉得,也不必因此苛责作者。人在写作时其实很难写好自己,因为很容易陷入无所顾忌的自我审视,而忘记读者的存在...
申时行虽然熟读经史,但从不接近危险的悬崖。他是现有秩序的维护者,试图调和公私,温和沉默,现实而坚定。可纵然如此,他仍然难逃制度的左右。 目录 始于“张居正风波” 申时行的“诚意” 精神上的力量 促进诚意的手段:礼仪 放弃诚意的皇帝 终于“立储风波” 理想终将还是泡影 公历1587年,时为万历十五年,申时行52岁,他已感到未老...